Chapter 1 Outline

Chapter 1 – Introduction

  • Why Internet Politics?
    • Because “the Internet is now more heavily politicized than at any time in its short history, and this trend is only likely to intensify.”
    • Wide range of actors – political actors, states, economic actors, and internet-based subcultures
    • Importance of political issues involving the Internet itself
      • Regulation of the Internet and Intellectual Property
      • Digital Divide
      • Online terrorist networks
    • The internet modifies existing institutions
    • The internet creates new institutions and is an institution
  • What is the Internet? Two Preliminary Answers
    • Technical Answer
      • “Network of networks” linked together and communicating using standards and protocols.
    • Comparative Answer
      • “Many-to-many” and “many-to-one” form of communication
    • Possible platform for “convergence” where all previous forms of media are combined
    • Empowers the marginalized
    • Notoriously difficult medium to regulate (China as an exception)
  • The Size and Scope of the Internet
    • Difficult to gather reliable, standardized data.
    • Nevertheless, there is an undeniable and explosive trend in the growth of internet users and hosts
    • China not as “world wide web” but as “China wide web” – see Economist article

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